Teen Dating Violence
Teen Dating Violence
Everyone deserves a healthy relationship.
Teen girls report experiencing physical or sexual dating violence.
Teen boys report experiencing physical or sexual dating violence.
Teen girls said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm when presented with a breakup.
What is Teen Dating Violence?

One of our amazing high school youth leaders, Mars Alcamo, created this impactful video on the topic of Oppression and Teen Dating Violence.
One of our very talented Prevention Educators, Briana Neben, presents a TEDx talk on Preventing Teen Dating Violence from the Inside Out.
Impact of Dating Violence on Teens
Youth who are victims of teen dating violence are more likely to:
- Experience symptoms of depression and anxiety that may carry throughout adulthood
- Engage in unhealthy and risky behaviors, like using tobacco, drugs, and alcohol
- Exhibit antisocial behaviors, like lying, theft, bullying, or hitting
- Think about suicide
- Violence in an adolescent relationship sets the stage for problems in future relationships, including intimate partner violence and sexual violence perpetration and/or victimization throughout life
- Violence in an adolescent relationship sets the stage for problems in future relationships, including intimate partner violence and sexual violence perpetration and/or victimization throughout life.
How to Talk to Your Teen?
If you are a parent or caregiver and would like to learn how to approach this topic with your teen, please visit the link below for more resources and guidance. Although these conversations may be tough, your teen needs your guidance and support to know they deserve respect and healthy relationships.
Learn More
Additional Information on Teen Dating Violence
Center for Disease Control – Teen Dating Violence
Love is Respect
One Love
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Being a survivor of abuse, I found by helping survivors heal, they have helped me as much as I’ve helped them.
1st annual
One Conversation Conference
Live Violence Free Presents the 1st Annual Virtual One Conversation Conference on May 20, 2022.
The conference is focused on trauma & victim services. We encourage clinicians, therapists, social service professionals, victim advocates, educators, and students to attend.
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