Prevention Education
Prevention Education
Teaching healthy relationships because this generation deserves to live free from violence.

To prevent and reduce sexual violence many strategies, including STOP SV, focus on reducing the likelihood that a person will engage in sexual violence.

Promote Social Norms that Protect Against Violence
- Bystander Approaches
- Mobilizing men and boys as allies

Teach Skills to Prevent Sexual Violence
- Social-emotional Learning
- Teaching healthy, safe dating and intimate relationship skills to adolescents
- Promoting healthy sexuality
- Empowerment-based training

Provide Opportunities to Empower and Support Girls and Women
- Strengthen economic supports for women and families
- Strengthen leadership and opportunities for girls

Create Protective Environments
- Improving safety and monitoring in schools
- Establishing and consistently applying workplace policies
- Addressing community-level risks through environmental approaches

Support Victims/Survivors to Lessen Harms
- Victim-centered services
- Treatment for victims of sexual violence
- Treatment for at-risk children and families to prevent problem behavior including sex offending
Prevention In Practice
Prevention in a Minute

One Conversation Podcast
Where we believe one conversation can change a life. Join us as we dive deep into the topics of violence and abuse, unhealthy relationships, identifying signs of abuse, how to talk to a potential victim, the importance of speaking up against violence, and much more.
Donde creemons que una conversación puede cambiar una vida. Unete a nosotros a medida que nos sumergimos profudamente en los temas de violencia y abuso, relaciones malsanas, indentificar signos de abuso, como hablar con una victima potencial, la importancia de hablar contra la violencia y mucho mas.
4 | La Trata de Personas
3 | Como Hablar con la Victima o Sobreviviente
2 | Trauma y la Temporada Navideña
1 |Por Que es Dificil Dejar Una Relacion Abusiva?
Request a Presentation
I'm proud of the educational work LVF does to help prevent future abuse as well as support survivors.
1st annual
One Conversation Conference
Live Violence Free Presents the 1st Annual Virtual One Conversation Conference on May 20, 2022.
The conference is focused on trauma & victim services. We encourage clinicians, therapists, social service professionals, victim advocates, educators, and students to attend.
Earn Continuing Education Credits & Register Today!